2021 Events:
August 8 at 1pm
Unveiling of Anne Frank Statue
Location: Light Horse Park, 104 Street, 86 Ave Edmonton
The Dutch Canadian Business Club of Edmonton (DCBC) brings together entrepreneurs, professionals and persons with a Dutch Canadian Heritage or Business Connection with the Netherlands for the purpose of networking, business, educational and cultural development.
As a focal point for the Dutch Business Community in Edmonton, members are offered numerous benefits including:
- Events featuring guest speakers on business related topics of interest to the Dutch business community
- A list of its members to enhance networking opportunities
- A regular newsletter in the Dutch Touch
- A business page on our website
- An opportunity to socialize and celebrate Dutch tradition in Edmonton through social events
Board of directors DCBC:
Harm de Groot (Metallurgical Engineer, de Groot Consulting Inc and SOS Engineering)
Vice President:
Frank M Stolk (Retired Manufacturing Manager)
Barbara de Visser (Interior design Consultant)
Rien Visscher (Manager Regulation & Risk Assessment Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corp)
Board Members:
Jerry Bouma (Edmonton Honorary Consul of the Netherlands and Toma and Bouma Management Consultants)
Henk ten Wolde (DWCC Dutch Western Canada Connections Ltd.)
Kees Prins (Architect Maltby and Prins)
September: Brian Dumsday from Economic Development Edmonton
December: Social
January 17: Patrick Laforge: Yes You Can Dream Big, about the development of Rogers Stadium and the Ice District in Edmonton
March 21: Warren Bergen: How Venture Capital Works and How it Builds a Province
May 16: Marilyn Boehm: President of Alberta Food Processors
August 12: Ted Jan Bloemen Speedskater and World Record holder
September 19: Wade Carson Virtual Reality applied to Crane Simulators (in cooperation with Mammoet)
and Willem Langenberg: Geothermal Exploration and Well Conversion
November 21: Kees Prins: 100 years the Stijl
December 12: social event
January 16: Bill van Veelen: Alberta Oil and Gas, “the Reports of My Death May Be Greatly Exaggerated
March 20: Rod Knecht Chief of Edmonton Police, Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis.
May 15: Malcolm Bruce, CEO of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board.
May 26: Combined meeting with DCBC Calgary in Red Deer at Sylvan Star, Cheese Tasting and Social
Sept 18: meeting was cancelled, but the board and members met with Dutch Business Group visiting Edmonton and region
Nov 20: Walker Rogers, Executive VP of Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation where he leads the Regulation and Risk Assessment team.
Dec 11: Social
2019 EVENTS:
January 15, Meeting with Rudi Peet and PearlAnn Reichwein was cancelled
March 19: Vitaliy Milentyev, President, Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce (Alberta Chapter). Vice President (Portfolio Management), Cornerstone Fiduciary Wealth Management.
May 21: Brent Francis, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce.
September 17: Meeting was cancelled.
November 19: Stephen Mandel 7-9 pm
December 17: Social 7-10 pm