Our Clubs!

The Windmills Seniors Club

This lively and active seniors club enjoys conversation, playing cards, billiards, shuffleboard, knitting, sewing, arts & crafts, an annual bus trip to some wonderful places right in Alberta,and even  Zumba – Gold the fun fitness activity for the young at heart! It is displayed on our 8ft x 16’ screen,

The Windmills (as they are affectionately known) meet every Thursday year-round with the exception of July and August, when they have an open house once a month. They welcome new members (55 & up).

Contact information:
President: Rinske Terheide


Vice President: Pauline Commandeur

Secretary: Wilma Thys

Treasurer: Judy Boekholt


The DCC Auxiliary

This amazing group of dynamos organizes and oversees most of the functions of the DCC. This group also works diligently to prepare and sell the delicious Dutch foods seen at all of our events. Anyone who wants to join in may participate.

Contact information:
President: Pauline Commandeur


Secretary: Wilma Thys

Treasurer: Judy Boekholt

Card making

Do you like making your own greeting cards? Our card makers get together on Saturdays and Thursdays and have a lot of fun creating cards for any occasion. We have a lot of supplies and gadgets and we learn from each other. Check our current events page for dates. Everyone welcome.

Contact information:
Ria Bok

Sewing & Craft Circle

Every Tuesday from 10 am to 3 pm our sewing circle gets together. We make items to sell at our Spring Market and at the Dutch Pavilion at Heritage Days, and the Scandinavian Christmas Market. We also organize a few quilting classes.

If you like sewing or craft, you’re welcome to join us. We keep learning from each other. Everyone welcome, we start with a cup of coffee, bring your own lunch, coffee and tea provided

Contact information:
Jenny Smits

Stitch & Rip Club

This Fun group of ladies are into the knitting, and all kinds of arts and crafts!

Contact information:
Edith van Leeuwen


Every Thursday at 11:00 PM when lunch is served.

The Dutch game of Klaverjassen is played on a competitive level. Lunch is included. If you would like to come and play please contact:

Contact information:
Pieter van Leeuwen

Join in the Fun!